Access Request Forms

How to complete the Access Request Form

If you are preparing this form, but someone else will be the new employee's supervisor:
Access Form for Preparer

If you are the supervisor:
Access Form for Supervisor

The Access Request and Code of Responsibility forms must be completed to be granted computer services, ID cards or keys for members of the Eckerd community. The Access Request form should be completed in the following responsible area:

Human Resources: Eckerd Employees

The responsible area will generate the Eckerd ID and provide the Access Request forms. The Access Request form should include:

Name: The name should be complete and include a middle initial. The initial is included in the email name.

Eckerd ID: This is a seven digit number. Note: When the ID is initially generated in Banner, it is a nine character number, prefixed with a -0. This -0 is removed in an overnight process. When completing the form, please exclude the -0, making the ID a seven digit number.

Department: Please provide the department and Active Directory.

Type: The use type is used to determine what access a person should have.

Student Information Module: Requires Registrar authorization

Supervisor Approval: For Eckerd employees, the supervisor should complete the this section. For Business Office responsible areas, the Director of Business Systems should complete this section. For Student Affairs responsible areas, the VP for student Life should complete this section.


When the necessary accounts have been created, ITS will send a support staff member to set initial passwords and answer questions once the accounts have been created.